Why Do Women Take on More Caregiving Responsibilities?

MIT has a special research group called the AgeLab that works with businesses, NGOs, and government organizations to improve the quality of life of older people and those who care for them. At any given time, the MIT AgeLab has multiple active studies focused on older...

Recognizing Caregiver Burnout

Most people think of burnout as something that only happens to celebrities or high-powered executives. The truth is, caregiver burnout can happen to anyone who provides care for another person – whether it’s a spouse, child, parent, or friend. Caregivers are...
10 Steps to Prepare to Become a Family Caregiver

10 Steps to Prepare to Become a Family Caregiver

The role of family caregiver often begins with two competing realities: you are happy to do the work because you care about your loved one, but the moment often arrives with little time to prepare. In other words, most adult children are happy to care for their aging...

How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Taking care of another person is among the noblest things someone can do. And as caregivers know all too well, it is also among the most exhausting. Family caregivers provide vital support to their senior loved ones, but they also run a high risk of suffering burnout,...

You Don’t Have to Do it Alone: Establishing a Care Circle

Family caregivers take on their responsibility out of a desire to help an elderly parent or loved one. What many caregivers don’t anticipate, however, is just how big of a job this can be. Taking care of a family member can be time consuming and exhausting, which is...